Responsibilities: Mobile App | UX | UI Startup Project

Still Life Art Community App

background 📖

From offline art fair to online art community

「Still Life」 is an offline art fair organization established in New York during pandemic, its core value is to connect emerging young artists and art enthusiasts and provide a collaborative art community.

Our「Still Life」App aims to provide an inclusive, friendly, diverse online community to support upcoming artists to expose their art online, and connect art enthusiasts with artists.

We also want to establish a sustainable art market with second-hand art trading.


UX Research
ux design
UI Design
3D modeling👔🔍


Adobe illustrator
adobe after effects
cinema 4D


Nov - Dec 2022
5 weeks

HiFI Designs

the problem

Lack of online art community for emerging artists and art enthusiasts

Artists and art lovers need an information integration platform for art events & a sustainable online art market.

Process overview👔🔍

about stilllife art

Know about our client & the ask

「Still Life」is an art fair organization targeting young artists and art enthusiasts in New York City. It values community and aims to support unestablished artists with potentials.

「Still Life」hopes to build an online platform to keep the offline art community alive without physical limitation.

current art Market research 👔🔍

The potential in post-pandemic online art market

The problem is most of the data only focuses on the traditional art market and NFTs, but not including emerging artists or more diverse art forms which is the focus of 「Still Life」.

Competitive analysis👔🔍

Research insights on current online art platforms

· Focus on less known artists who need exposure.

· Build online platform to establish art communities.

· Create a collective information platform for all kinds of art and crafts.

· Target young art buyers with more affordable artworks.

User interview🧑🧑

2 artists & 2 art enthusiasts

How can we clarify the needs of both artists and buyers for an online art market?

How can we connect artists and art enthusiasts within an online art community?

reDefine HMW💎

How might we create an art-focused e-commerce community & an information integration platform for emerging artists and art enthusiasts to foster new connections online?

User personas🧑🧑

emerging artist user & art collector buyer.

Based on the insights we gained from our user interviews, we defined the two types of our target users’ personas.

User journey map🧑🧑

Two user journey maps

Based on the two user personas we have created, we conducted corresponding user journey maps on our users.

Artist user is focusing on the event experience, and non-artist user is focusing on the art shopping experience.


Three user scenes

Design Implications🧑🧑

Crazy 8's

We used Crazy 8’s as a method of brainstorming to generate a wide variety of solutions for our design.

Each member drew 8 brainstorming ideas of the our app, along with some sketches.

Our Design process🧑🧑

Sketch & LOFI Prototypes

We picked one of the potential functions to create low fidelity paper prototypes.

This step helped us to draft the initial look of our app and foresee potential problems.

First User Testing

We did 2 user testings for feedback.

This step helped us to understand our design, improve with better user experience in the wireframing and user flow.

Testing Conclusion

· Artist profile needs more introduction and big photos
· Make shopping cart a floating icon
· Move art collection to personal profile page
· Different designs for user and artist profile page

MVP User Flow💎


Style guide📱

design solution - Hifi MVPs👩🔬

Two Types of Users Onboarding

Artist need to verify their artist identity to ensure StillLife is presenting high quality artists. Before that, artist user is also welcome to explore normal user.

Event Booking

Explore page provides recommended art events based on location and preference. Event Detail page includes all the necessary information: time, map, friends going, photos and reviews...

E-Ticket can be added to Apple Wallet and Calendar. Users can check their tickets in My Events. User Profile's Activity can be visible to friends.

Art Shopping

Shop page will show daily recommended art products based on user’s interest. User can shop different art categories.

User can view product details, through description, images and AR function. They can chat with artist for more info.

User can view all purchased product under Collections in Profile. It will also be shown to the other users.

Artist Application

Artist can choose to book event or apply with portfolio.

Artist can view the  status of applied event in My Events. When event application is approved, an “Approved” stamp appears. The activity will also appear under their Profile.

Art Trading

User can post trading product with its information and ideal trade price range to match with other products.

Before submitting Trade Request, user can chat with each other for more detail.

All trading status and request will show in the notification. The traded art piece will appear under the collection tab and can track status.

design 🎨

Light, clean and up-to-date experience that will help parents be calm and focused while reinforcing the values ​​of security and control