Responsibilities: Machine Learning | StyleGAN Personal project

Machine Learning Art

Generative Posters

Organic images generated in-between the human body and nature. Through the automatic generate process, the output images look surreal and abstract.

It is interesting how human eyes can still perceive those images as ‘bodily’ or as some kinds of creatures in their minds and automatically generate certain images, objects, feelings or meanings by themselves, even if the images are not exact anymore.

The main idea for this series is to show the connection between our body and the earth, it can be seen as a new process of cell division and reformation.

computer Generated my Online Identity

Generate Process

I want to find out if there is a visual pattern for the self-images I posted on social media that could be generated through machine learning.

How does the computer interpret ME or my Online Identity?

I used a lightweight GAN to generate the images I scraped from my instagram account and I only chose the ones that have my figure in them. I think today our digital identity is heavily performative. I also follow these invisible ‘social rules’ during posting, and always follow a consistent aesthetic or style that I might or might not realize.

We tend to present the best possible of us in the digital social environment to be recognized and remembered, not only by others but also by ourselves.